Sunday, February 11, 1990 

Ukraine's March 4 elections: a guide for observers
by Kathleen Mihalisko
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Violations reported in pre-elections process in Ukraine

Zeleniukh, Gel beaten by crowd

Human chain in Kiev

GLASNOST DIARY: recording changes in the USSR

Banned in the USSR?
Return of ski club
Cable in Carpathians

Scenes of human chain, rally in Kiev

Capitol Hill reception celebrates anniversary of Ukraine's independence
by Irena Chalupa
Ukrainian National Information Service

Congressman seek opening of U.S. Consulate in Kiev

500,000 soap bars headed for Ukraine

Canadian ambassador speaks on environment at Kurelek Lecture
by Christina Bardyn

Kurelek Memorial Lectures honor artist

Church's new role and rights discussed at D.C. presentation
by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj

U.S. Church activists plan strategy


Turning the pages back...
February 10, 1936

Beyond the fortress Church
The role of the Church, religion in Ukraine and Ukrainian diaspora

by Andrew Sorokowski

Comparative Survey of Freedom recognizes changes in USSR, but...

The art of Sviatoslav Hordynsky is rediscovered in Soviet Union

Tribute to an artist who found harmony in nature: Petro Cholodny Jr. 1902-1990
by Marta Kolomayets

Ukrainian Independence Day commemorations - January 22, 1990


Florida by Helen Olek Scott

by K.V. Sokolyk

Middletown, N.J

Binghamton, N.Y.
by Maria K. Zobniw

Ansonia, Conn

St. John's School, Newark, N.J.

February 15 - February 24

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 11, 1990, No. 6, Vol. LVIII

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