Sunday, January 30, 1994

Multilateral security guarantees promised if Ukraine signs NPT
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyyiv Press Bureau

Toronto bishop faces libel charges as struggle in eparchy continues
by Andrij Wynnyckyj

Congressional committees question Talbott on U.S. policy toward NIS

ANALYSIS: Will nuclear agreement increase the security of Ukraine?
by Taras Kuzio


Kravchuk urges signing of NPT
Kozyrev clarifies statements in Moscow
Ukraine, Belarus sign military accord
CIA director notes tensions in Ukraine
Economics delegation arrives in U.S.
Kravchuk may be nominated for Nobel
Kravchuk visit may begin March 12
Pope welcomes tripartite nuke accord
Elections banned in Transdniestria
Russian military backed Zhirinovsky

Crimean Tatar leader dies after attack

ELECTION '94: A snapshot of voter sentiment in Lviv, Ternopil regions
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyyiv Press Bureau

Interior Ministry now treating Boychyshyn case as murder
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyyiv Press Bureau

Kravchuk and Pliushch advocate plebiscite on constitutional principles
by Dmytro Filipchenko
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Dr. Maria Kwitkowsky, leader of women's organizations, 78

N.Y./N.J. professionals support Ukrainian program at Columbia

Canadians help launch financial tabloid in Kyyiv

UNA CENTENNIAL CONCERT: Two choirs to showcase talents

Professionals' potential

Turning the pages back...
February 7, 1889

The fragile and endangered independence of Ukraine
by Dr. David R. Marples

by Myron B. Kuropas
Helping Ukraine via family renewal

Report from Brussels
Europeans voice disappointment with results of NATO summit

by Christine Medycky


Congrats on "Year in Review" issue
Insulted by letter on Latinization

"Na Zdorovya": Seagram's takes a shot at business in Ukraine
by Marta Kolomayets

U.S. firm to study resource recovery in Drohobych

Annual survey notes decline of freedom around the globe

Lanovy named best editor for documentary on Quebec's Oka crisis
by A. Lysak

Filmmaker's next project focuses on UPA and post-war emigration
by Andrij Wynnyckyj

Lieutenant-Governor Fedoruk presents encyclopedia to U. of Saskatchewan

OBITUARY: Ukrainian Canadian Writer Gloria Kupchenko-Frolick
by Lydia Palij

NEWS AND VIEWS: A plea from the last survivor of internment camps
by Mary Manko Haskett

Ukraine's women's volleyball team invited to compete at Canada Cup

SUM-A renews ideological seminar

Toronto area bronze foundry celebrated its 10th anniversary
by Nestor Gula

Tamburitzans slate auditions

Saskatchewan arts program to hold biannual competitions

Dzundza in TV role

by Tamara Stadnychenko
Ivan Mazepa

Thursday, February 3 - Saturday, February 12

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 30, 1994, No. 5, Vol. LXII

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