Sunday, March 27, 1994

U.S. defense secretary promotes denuclearization
Visits Pervomaiske pledges new funds

by Roman Woronowycz
Kyyiv Press Bureau

Monitors say electoral commission is uncooperative
500 observers arrive from 53 countries

by Roman Woronowycz
Kyyiv Press Bureau

ANALYSIS: Election eve in Ukraine
by Myron Wasylyk
RFE/RL Research Report

ANALYSIS: Presidential elections and continuing tensions in Crimea
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk
RFE/RL Research Institute


Miners strike to hit amidst elections
Ukraine to monitor energy shipments
Mejlis leader speaks on Crimean issues
Gazprom renews threats of supply cuts
Ukraine granted EU trade status
Candidate attacked in Ternopil
Crimean energy chief notes shortages
U.S. issues Crimean communiqué
Project Hope shipments continue
Red tape delays U.S. aid to NIS
Russia claims interest in Moldova
Poland, Ukraine sign partnership
Boychyshyn case stirs controversy
Russian territorial claims denied
Russia to print accurate maps


The Donbas factor in the Ukrainian parliamentary elections
by Monika Jung
RFE/RL Research Report

ANALYSIS: Kyyiv issues last-minute appeal to the Crimean Republic
by Rebecca Morrison
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

International flights barred from Lviv landings
by Khristina Lew

INTERVIEW: Viktor Batyuk, Ambassador to Canada
by Christopher Guly

Alberta U. Offers summer program of Ukrainian studies

The Ukrainian presence in the United States: Embassy of Ukraine
by Khristina Lew

About those By-Laws...

Turning the pages back...
March 27, 1990

Stress test for Ukraine
by Janucz Bugajski

COUNTDOWN TO ELECTIONS: Consider the possibilities...
by Danylo Yanevsky

Stasiuk Program conducts study of elections

MARCH COMMEMORATIONS: The truths in Taras Shevchenko's poetry
by Bohdan Klid

The Big Apple: experimental, traditional, whimsical
by Helen Smindak

New Zealanders greet Ukrainian competitors in Whitbread
by Marta Zahalak
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

N.Y. Metro medical association focuses on diverse programs, goals

Lysenko in Western sources

Religious coloring book for kids

by Tamara Stadnychenko
Ivan Franko

Major Ukrainian auction in May

Sunday, March 27 - Sunday, April 10

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 27, 1994, No. 13, Vol. LXII

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