November 11, 2016

$1.5 million raised for project to honor Cpl. Filip Konowal


Courtesy of the Ukrainian Credit Union Limited

TORONTO – On 22 September 22, Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk participated in a fund-raising event at the Royal Canadian Military Institute in Toronto. Thanks to Prof. Luciuk’s efforts and the generous support of the Ukrainian Canadian community, $1.5 million has been raised in support of the Battle of Hill 70 project, ensuring that the central pathway at this Great War battlefield will be named in honor of Cpl. Filip Konowal. This Ukrainian Canadian soldier’s valor during that battle was recognized with a Victoria Cross, now on permanent display at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa. The Battle of Hill 70 memorial will be officially unveiled near Lens, France, on April 8, 2017. Dr. Luciuk is currently completing work on a trilingual (English, Ukrainian, French) book, “A Canadian Hero: Corporal Filip Konowal, VC and the Battle of Hill 70.”