July 22, 2016


“Donald Trump’s continued impacts on the Republican Party seem to know no bounds. I am shocked to learn his campaign worked behind the scenes to water down language supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russian and rebel forces in their party platform. As someone whose top aide has long and deep reported ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, and who had made cavalier compliments for brutal strongmen like President Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump’s rhetoric and actions shows he would be dangerous for protecting human rights and democracy across the globe. Instead of rolling back support for our allies in Ukraine that would strengthen Russia’s hand, it is vital the U.S. act to prevent Ukraine from descending further into chaos. It is time we stand up in support of the people of Ukraine who are fighting for their freedom.”

– U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.) commenting on reports about the Trump campaign’s reversal of the GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine. The comment was shared by the congressman’s office on July 18.

“The United States must stand shoulder to shoulder with our ally Ukraine. We cannot allow Russia’s aggression to go unchecked. There is overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress for sending military aid to help Ukraine, and the fact that the Obama administration continues to refuse to do so is outrageous. It is deeply troubling that specific language in the Republican Party platform calling for defensive lethal aid to Ukraine was removed in favor of watered-down language that means little. Russian aggression in Ukraine and throughout the region represents a grave threat to the safety and security of our allies and to the values we hold dear both as Americans and as Republicans. Failing to condemn Russia’s actions makes us complicit. Both parties have an obligation to stand up for freedom and democracy around the globe, and stand up to brutal dictators who are determined to undermine those ideals. I will continue to lead this fight in Congress and stand by our ally.”

– U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) in a statement released by his office on July 20. The release also noted that when the senator was notified of the changes in the Republican Party platform, “he immediately and publicly objected to them in interviews with news media.”