December 2, 2016


“…Ukraine continues its journey to becoming a democratic, fair and prosperous country at the gates of Europe, a vision that so many of my fellow citizens died for during the Maidan Revolution in the beginning of 2014 and continue to die for defending our country against Russia.

“What we have achieved in the last two years we could not have done without the hard work and sacrifice of our people at home and, critically, the staunch support of our partners abroad. The partnership and support of the European Union has been very important. But nowhere has Ukraine found a better friend and more committed ally than the United States. …That continued support is more important now than ever.

“…Russia and its proxies have continually disregarded the Minsk agreements. Since they were signed, almost 10,000 Ukrainians, soldiers and civilians alike, have lost their lives. …While fomenting war against Ukraine, Russia has illegally annexed Crimea on the unfounded pretext that it was part of Russia in the first place. …

“[President-elect Donald J.] Trump has said that the United States cannot do all the heavy lifting when it comes to supporting countries like Ukraine. I agree, and our government is working with our European partners to ensure they remain steadfast. But Ukraine does not ask for charity. My compatriots are dying every day. They die defending not only Ukraine but the universal democratic values and freedoms that are as precious to Ukrainians as they are to Americans.

“I hope that under President Trump, not only the United States but the world will get strong leadership. I also hope that Ukraine will keep the steadfast friend and ally that we have been so grateful for during the difficult adolescence of our democracy.”

– Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin writing in an op-ed published in The New York Times on November 28. The commentary was headlined “Ukraine has made great progress, but we need our allies.”