April 21, 2017


“What kind of country assassinates the opposition leader virtually on the steps of their legislature; puts hits out on citizens who speak out against them, even outside its borders; orders the persecution of government employees; foreign politicians and governments to cyber attacks; sends troops across sovereign borders and generally behaves like a 16th century dictatorship? The answer, of course, is Vladimir Putin’s Russia. …

Abroad, the picture is just as bad. Russia commits war crimes in Syria and props up the Assad regime, while threatening NATO and annexing parts of Ukraine. The invasion of Crimea is the worst example of their aggression, but the reach of their cyber warriors is felt everywhere, including right here in the democratic West. …

It is incumbent upon civilized nations to push back when the rule of law is abrogated in such a blatant way, and Canadians now have a historic opportunity. In addition to making the investments required to meet our NORAD and NATO commitments, we can pass the Magnitsky Act and hold those responsible for the abominable and disruptive behavior of Russia. This would send a clear signal of solidarity to the long-suffering Russian people and to our allies who have taken action. ‘Shared values’ is a lovely expression, but it must be an actionable item if it is to have meaning. …

A Canadian Magnitsky law would sanction Russian officials involved in human rights abuses, importantly allowing for the seizure of their ill-gotten millions abroad. …Canada needs legislation to signal its revulsion at Russia’s crimes and to punish those responsible. Denying visas, seizure of assets and in some cases, working with other like-minded democratic allies to bring these thugs to the International Criminal Court may, in time, bring justice to Russia’s many victims, especially those in Russia itself.”

– Former Canadian Minister of Defense, Foreign Affairs and Justice Peter Mackay, writing in the National Post on April 4 (see http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/peter-mackay-its-time-for-canada-to-get-tough-with-putin-and-his-thugs-heres-how-we-can-do-it).