May 19, 2017


“RT aims to discredit the United States in a straightforward way. The Kremlin-funded television network – established in 2005, operating in English, Arabic and Spanish – doesn’t report on America and the West warts and all, but rather focuses single-mindedly on warts alone. …

“In a post-fact, post-truth world, Vladimir Putin’s Russia revels in exploiting Western vulnerability. …It’s time to push back – with full force. …

“First, we must recognize that Putin’s only real strength is our weakness. The West’s structural problems – from declining social mobility and extreme income inequality in the United States to issues of employment, migration and identity across Europe – create immense possibilities for a Russian regime bent on doing us harm. Democracy has shown itself capable of self-correction and renewal. We’ll get through our current malaise. In the meantime, we mustn’t waiver in defense of liberal democracy. …

“Second, let’s be clear; this is war and Putin is determined to win. At first it seemed his regime might be content with a continent divided into spheres of influence. Over time, though, Putin’s gaze shifted to a bigger prize: an EU rendered weak and dependent, a NATO emasculated, the trans-Atlantic link perhaps even severed. Putin is fond of ‘America First’ nationalism because he believes it will make Russia great again, by pushing America to the side. He has his vision. We must re-establish ours. We need a well-resourced, strategically minded foreign policy aimed at putting Putin back on his heels. ….

“Finally, we must respond to the growing range of Russian efforts to divide and conquer. …If the West is to rebound, we must never stray from facts. Therefore, let’s flood Russia with accurate, reliable information and serious investigative reporting on Putin’s kleptocracy, a self-dealing system that loots a magnificent Russian civilization – financially, intellectually, spiritually, and culturally.

“…Americans and Europeans allow the likes of RT into our markets – we actually do cherish freedom of speech. It’s time we demand full reciprocity, as our media remain subject to draconian regulations and restrictions in Russia. We must be allowed access to television licenses. Intimidating and harassment of affiliates – through politically motivated use of tax auditors and anti-corruption police, for example – must end. …Allow us the same rights as we afford RT. If Moscow refuses, boot from the U.S. Kremlin pawns masquerading as journalists. This is the new kind of war. It’s time we fight to win.”

– Jeffrey Gedmin, senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, writing on May 2 on the council’s Ukraine Alert blog (see