August 11, 2017


… We consider the U.N. Program of Action on SALW [Small Arms and Light Weapons], the International Tracing Instrument and the Arms Trade Treaty as important instrument tools that contribute to this process and can pave the way for solving the problem of illicit trafficking of weapons in all its aspects, reduce the scale of terrorist violence and end the spread of this scourge worldwide.

The international regime, aimed at curbing arms supply to terrorists, runs into a problem when states who are supposed to uphold it turn out to be in breach of their international obligations and commitments in this regard.

One of the most telling cases of our times is the continuing flooding of the occupied territories in the east of Ukraine with all kinds of weapon systems, all coming from the neighboring state. Over 400 battle tanks, 840 armored personnel vehicles, 200 multiple launch rocket systems, 730 artillery systems and 400 air defense units have been provided to terrorist organizations operating there.

These deadly supplies have been used also to conduct devastating terrorist attacks, including, for example, the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, with 298 innocent civilians on board.

The rhetorical question is: How did the terrorist organizations in Ukraine get weapons that often surpass armament stocks of many states on the European continent? Or why do not terrorists run out of diesel and munitions?

…We expect that all countries, first and foremost, those that voted for today’s resolution, will remain faithful to both the letter and spirit of relevant norms of international law.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the importance of bringing to justice those who knowingly engage in providing terrorists with weapons, funds and other types of assets. The suppliers of weapons, other sponsors or masterminds of terrorist activities should bear no less responsibility than those who perpetrate the crimes on the ground.

– Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the United Nations Security Council briefing on “Preventing Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons” held on August 2. Source: Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations.