September 8, 2017


“We need to solve a number of problems in the state. People should not have to wait for solutions. We came close to the reform of education, to a new pension system and health care system. We are also talking about laws for business… We need to create, but not to destroy. And the 50 bills [developed by the government] will make the changes irreversible. …

“The real salary of a teacher has improved. Next year, another raise in salaries is planned. We are also talking about the modernization of schools and budgeted the sum of 1 billion hrv to re-equip Grades 1-4. …

“Let’s unite. I assume responsibility. Let’s make decisions… A lack of decisions and responsibility is a crime… Enough of scolding one another. We’ve had enough arguments in 25 years, so what have we got?… It is critical that we believe in the success of Ukraine. Changes should be triggered now, and not put off for later.”

– Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman speaking on September 5 on the eve of the beginning of new plenary sessions of the Verkhovna Rada, as quoted by the Information and Communication Department of the Secretariat of Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers (with editing for clarity by The Ukrainian Weekly).