May 11, 2018


“The instigator and driver of this four-year-old conflict is Russia. Its claim that it is not a party to the conflict is laughable. The tragic toll of over 10,300 killed and 25,000 wounded is the direct result of Russia’s deliberate aggression, and Moscow’s continued military, political, and financial backing of proxies in eastern Ukraine. 

“In deliberate disregard of yet another in a long series of ceasefire agreements, Russia continues to fight, despite the Easter recommitment to the ceasefire. Between April 24 and 26, Ukrainian forces suffered more casualties than in any 72-hour period since July 2017. …

“Mr. Chair, there is no doubting Russia’s direct involvement in this conflict. On April 19, the OSCE Border Observation Mission spotted a small van crossing the border into Russia bearing the sign ‘Cargo 200’ in Russian – a well-known code-word for Russian military casualties on board. …Since the border monitoring mission was established, observers have tracked over two dozen such crossings at the two crossing points where they are stationed. Consider, colleagues, how many more unauthorized crossings have occurred where the observers are not allowed to see. …”

– Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim, Harry Kamian of the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, speaking on May 3 before the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna.