July 27, 2018

2014 was the time to stop Russia


Dear Editor:

In its letter to President Donald Trump, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America notes: “In 2014 the United States reaffirmed its commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and the inviolability of borders with the passage of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act. …”

The United States reaffirmed its commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty? Wasn’t it 2014 when Russia seized Crimea? Wasn’t it 2014 when Barack Obama was president that Russia invaded Crimea? Wasn’t it 2014 when Mr. Obama stated that NATO couldn’t protect Ukraine because Ukraine was not a member of NATO? (The Budapest memorandum of 1994 didn’t mention membership in NATO as a requirement for protection.)

Isn’t it obvious that 2014 was the time to stop Russia and not give it the opportunity to use its nefarious methods to get a boot print in Crimea?

Hurrah for the Obama administration’s approval of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act. Apparently it was enough to satisfy the UCCA.

Burlingame, Calif.