February 5, 2016

2015: Meanwhile, here at The Ukrainian Weekly…


The first page of Part 1 of “2014: The Year in Review” as it appeared in our January 18 issue.

We would be remiss if we did not note that reader support for our newspaper continued to be strong as evidenced by donations to our press fund: a grand total of $22,708 for the year. A huge thank-you to all of our benefactors.

Front page of the 24-page supplement “A Ukrainian Summer,” which was published on May 3.

Front page of the 24-page supplement “A Ukrainian Summer,” which was published on May 3.

During 2015 we tried to encourage readers to write, to share their news with fellow readers. In our September 20 editorial – titled “So, you think you can’t write…” – we addressed readers: “We urge you to extend your reach and broaden your circle of contacts, friends and supporters by sending information to The Ukrainian Weekly, which we will gladly publish in our Community Chronicle. In order to benefit from each other’s experiences, we need to share them. Instead of islands of separate activity, we can have an interconnected network! Think you can’t write? Think again. You don’t need to write an extensive account of each and every one of your community events. Oftentimes, a simple caption to a good photograph is all it takes to let others know what’s happening in your community. And, if you’re not sure about your writing skills, do the best you can in telling the story, but do get the facts right and the spellings of names correct. And give us “the 5 Ws,” as they used to teach in journalism school: the who, what, when, where and why of the event being reported. We’ll take it from there; we’re happy to serve as your ghostwriters and editors – all in keeping with our mission to keep us all in touch and informed. And you will get the byline, or tagline, or photo credit. (We’re sticklers about that and want to give credit where credit is due!)”

We marked The Weekly’s 82nd birthday with an editorial that highlighted the changes through the years, including all-important technological improvements, and underscored: “…a lot has changed in 82 years, but not our commitment to our community and the Ukrainian nation. And our founding mission – to tell the world the truth about Ukraine and Ukrainians – endures.”

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