January 22, 2016

2015: Our Ukrainian diaspora: growing larger and stronger


Ukrainian women leaders at a roundtable discussion with Dr. Maryna Poroshenko.

Two days after the report of the raid, RFE/RL reported that Ms. Sharina denied the charges and claimed that Russian authorities had framed her by planting the extremist books in her collection. While under detention, Ms Sharina became ill. Russian news agencies reported that the court decided to put Ms. Sharina under house arrest and charged her with incitement of ethnic hatred, which can result in up to four years in prison.

In November, the UWC called upon Ukrainian communities to join the international effort to combat Russian disinformation by helping to document such incidents. The East StratCom Team of the European External Action Service, the European Union’s diplomatic service, was tasked with analyzing Russian disinformation, revealing its fundamental aims and tendencies, and reacting and effectively preventing further similar steps by the Russian Federation. In order to de-bunk myths of the Russian Federation, East StratCom had recently created a network that includes representatives of mass media, think tanks, individual experts, officials and non-governmental organizations that are to be the source of facts on Russian disinformation.

The Ukrainian diaspora ended the year as it began, with joyous holiday spirit. As in years past, thanks to the efforts of Austrian Scouts who travel each year to Bethlehem and bring the Bethlehem Peace Light to Vienna, member of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization all over the world were once again able to disseminate this symbol of peace, hope and love throughout their communities, including a great many in North America.

On December 19, Plast scouts visited the Presidential Administration of Ukraine to present the Bethlehem Peace Light to President Poroshenko. Andriy Luzan, a member of the national supervisory of Plast in Ukraine, said, “We urgently need peace and that is why we brought this symbol of peace to you, Mr. President.” President Poroshenko responded, “Let this light be lit in homes in Chernihiv and Crimea, Zakarpattia and Luhansk. Let it demonstrate the unity of Ukraine and bring peace to all these homes.”

President Petro Poroshenko accepts the Bethlehem Peace Light from members of Plast – National Scout Organization of Ukraine.

Presidential Administration of Ukraine

President Petro Poroshenko accepts the Bethlehem Peace Light from members of Plast – National Scout Organization of Ukraine.

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