January 29, 2016

2015: Ukrainians and Canada: A solid partnership



At a pre-election meeting of Liberal Party candidates with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (from left) are: James Maloney, Arif Virani, Justin Trudeau, UCC President Paul Grod, Chrystia Freeland, UCC Vice-President Renata Roman and Borys Wrzesnewskyj. (All the candidates were elected.)

Ukraine’s new ambassador

Ambassador Andriy Shevchenko

Ambassador Andriy Shevchenko

President Petro Poroshenko on September 24 appointed Andriy Shevchenko as ambassador of Ukraine to Canada. Mr. Shevchenko is known in Ukraine as a TV journalist, politician and civic activist. In Canada, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) welcomed Mr. Shevchenko’s appointment. “We congratulate President Poroshenko for appointing such a strong and professional voice for Ukraine in Canada,” stated UCC President Grod. “Given the significant relationship between our two countries and the serious ongoing issues in Ukraine, including the illegal occupation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the ongoing invasion of Luhansk and Donetsk by the Russian armed forces, it is very important for Ukraine to have a very capable representative in its embassy in Ottawa.”

Mr. Grod commented: “I look forward to working with Ambassador Shevchenko to further the strong relationship that exists between Ukraine and Canada and with the Ukrainian Canadian community. There are a number of significant initiatives that we will need to work on, including the ratification and implementation of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement, strengthening the defense of Ukraine’s independence and sovereignty, negotiating a Canada-Ukraine Defense Cooperation Agreement, ensuring Ukraine is included in Canada’s Automatic Firearms Country Controls List, assisting in Ukraine’s continued democratic development, and strengthening ties with the Ukrainian community in Canada.”

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