August 28, 2015


“For Nadiya Savchenko, Oleh Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko and other Ukrainian hostages, more than one year has passed in Russian custody. Russia has chosen to ignore its commitments under the Minsk agreements, which calls for the release of all hostages and illegally detained persons. We call on the Russian Federation to honor its international commitments and release, without delay, all hostages and illegally detained Ukrainian citizens.

“Russia’s decision to move the trial of Verkhovna Rada member Nadiya Savchenko from Moscow to Rostov, which has limited access by Moscow-based media outlets and diplomatic missions, did nothing to build confidence in the fairness of these proceedings. …Ms. Savchenko should not be on trial at all. She is being held in Russia after having been seized in Ukraine by Russian-backed separatists and spirited across the border. …

“We are likewise deeply concerned by Oleh Sentsov’s testimony during his trial on August 6 detailing the treatment he received in FSB custody, including alleged beatings, strangulation and suffocation with plastic bags. …

“This morning there were reports that the Russian prosecutor has asked for 23 years for Oleh Sentsov and 10 years for Oleksandr Kolchenko. Instead, they should be released immediately.”

– Ambassador Daniel B. Baer in a statement delivered on August 19 in Vienna to the Special Permanent Council of the Organization or Security and Cooperation in Europe.