September 25, 2015


Today, on the 15th anniversary of the disappearance of Ukrainian journalist Heorhii Gongadze, we pause to remember Mr. Gongadze and other Ukrainian journalists who have been killed, attacked or suffered intimidation, including of late in eastern Ukraine. Mr. Gongadze was an intrepid investigative journalist who dedicated his professional life to informing the public, exposing corruption and injustice, and holding those in positions of public trust accountable to the people they serve. Ukrayinska Pravda, the media outlet he founded, carries on that legacy today. The anniversary of his disappearance is an appropriate time to reflect on the critical role of a free and independent media in Ukraine’s democratic development and its further integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions.

– Statement by Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt in a statement on September 16, on the 15th anniversary of the disappearance of Heorhii Gongadze.