August 25, 2017

26th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence


The following statement from the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America was released on August 18.

Twenty-six years ago, Ukrainians around the world celebrated the long-awaited declaration of Ukraine’s renewed independence. As they watched with jubilation, centuries of foreign domination by the evil empire – the Soviet Union and, before that, imperialist Russia – came to an end without a massive land war or the firing of nuclear missiles. Instead, the Parliament of Ukraine overwhelmingly approved the Act of Declaration of Independence on August 24, 1991, a brave step of civic defiance that was upheld by over 90 percent of Ukraine’s citizens in a nationwide referendum in December of that same year. Yet amid the celebrations, a sense of unease lingered: would our former oppressor truly respect the establishment of an independent, sovereign and democratic state of Ukraine?

When Russia invaded the Crimean peninsula in 2014, a blatant violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, it became clear to the world that Ukrainians would now be called upon to “lay down ‘body and soul’ for our freedom.” Russia’s illegal annexation of the indigenous Crimean Tatar homeland and further invasion of eastern Ukraine represent a daily violation of all conceivable international law and standards, but which has mustered a fight that our adversaries may soon regret.

Thousands of brothers and sons, sisters and daughters have bravely volunteered to fight to maintain Ukraine’s independence, while even more contribute in the fight against brazen economic, cyber and information warfare – or hybrid war – waged by a revanchist Russia seeking to reclaim its former empire.

The Ukrainian diaspora has also risen to the challenge, fortifying its efforts to send humanitarian aid to the united Ukrainian, Georgian and Crimean Tatar military and medical forces as they fight to withstand the Russian invaders. Here in the United States, and in countries around the world where Ukrainians reside, Ukrainian communities continue to petition their elected representatives to condemn Russia’s actions and uphold Ukraine’s territorial integrity by demonstrating their public support for Ukraine with words and actions.

Today our brothers and sisters in Ukraine continue to risk and, far too often, sacrifice their lives for freedom, justice and the attainment of a truly independent, European Ukraine. On this 26th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence, let us redouble our efforts to assist our brethren who truly need us now more than ever. Ukrainians today fight for more than just their lives – they fight for each other, for their nation, and for our shared belief that democracy is the chief guarantor of security, prosperity and freedom.

May the Lord give the Ukrainian nation the strength and fortitude to resist the continuous war by Russia in eastern Ukraine, and may He grant eternal rest to the heroes who have given their lives in the struggle for an independent and sovereign Ukraine. Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam slava!