March 21, 2015


“…Unfortunately, President Obama’s stubborn refusal to provide weapons and other military assistance to Ukraine has only emboldened Russia. Political and economic sanctions have failed to deter Russian incursions into Ukrainian territory, which continue unabated. A growing number of national security experts and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle now agree that providing defensive lethal assistance to Ukraine is essential to achieving a political solution to the crisis.

“In February, I, along with several of my Senate colleagues, wrote to Secretary John Kerry urging him to immediately provide defensive weapons to Ukraine, tighten international sanctions against Russia and consider imposing further penalties such as the removal of Russia from the SWIFT financial system. We also need to highlight the gross human rights abuses that have been committed against Ukrainian civilians, thousands of whom have been killed and wounded, and hundreds of thousands displaced.

“This is the gravest security threat that Europe has faced in decades. What is needed now more than ever is American leadership and resolve. Rest assured that I will continue to watch this situation very closely.”

– Sen. John McCain in a March 9 letter written in response to a member of the Ukrainian American community.