November 6, 2015


“Folks have taken their eye off of Ukraine a little bit because of what’s happening in Syria. It’s technique they’ve employed in the past, a couple of times. Invade Crimea. Take the world’s eyes off of Crimea by invading Donbas. Take the world’s eyes off of Donbas by getting involved in Syria.”

“This is part of a larger construct by Russia and we need to be thinking holistically about our response. We need to remember that these are connected.”

“What we have not seen is Russia removing any of its forces in Ukraine. As you have heard me report at this podium before, command and control, air defense, artillery spotting support, artillery support, personnel, supplies, all still being supplied to the Donbas by Russia.”

– U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove, speaking to reporters on October 30 at the Pentagon in Washington.