February 21, 2020

5-year-old Maksym needs your help


Dear Editor:

Five-year-old Maksym Atamaniuk from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, will undergo selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery on March 16 in the U.S. Although born at 30 weeks and weighing 2.91 pounds, he is developing well, regardless of heart problems and spasticity to his lower extremities, which limited his ability to walk. Today, after intensive therapy and care in Ukraine, Maksym walks with the help of special crutches. However, to make greater strides, he needs this surgery, which is not performed in Ukraine or Europe.

After careful review of his case, specialists at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri feel that Maksym is the ideal candidate for this surgery and expect the following improvements: spasticity will be permanently reduced, sitting and standing postures will improve, transitions between postures will be easier and faster, and balance and level of comfort will improve. They expect that Maksym will be able to walk independently; however, he may need a device for long distances. He will require orthopedic surgery for both calf muscles to achieve the best possible outcomes, which will be performed at this facility by Dr. Matthew Dobbs via percutaneous lengthening.

The cost of this phase of treatment for a duration of one month is $56,036, which includes both the selective dorsal rhizotomy and orthopedic surgeries – hospital and physicians’ fees, post-operative therapy services and includes a bracing and equipment deposit. Тhese funds have been collected by the family, with assistance from the parishioners and Sisterhood of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church in Trenton, N.J., and the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee.

The UUARC is appealing to the Ukrainian American community to help this family with ongoing medical and therapy expenses, medications, orthopedic devices, their stay and living expenses in the U.S. and airline tickets. All collections are 100 percent designated for Maksym’s surgeries, ongoing treatment and related expenses. The funds will be given to his parents. All donations to the UUARC are 100 perccent tax-deductible and will be reported in the public media.

If you would like to donate, kindly send your check (with “Maksym” written in the memo line) to: UUARC, 1206 Cottman Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111; you can also donate online at www.uuarc.org.

United Ukrainian American
Relief Committee,