May 2, 2015


“Russia and the separatists it backs continue to illegally hold Ukrainian hostages in defiance of the commitments they made in the September 2014 Minsk Protocol and Memorandum and in the Package of Measures signed this year. Among those held is Nadiya Savchenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada and a helicopter pilot in the Ukrainian military, who was seized by Russia-backed separatists in 2014 before being illegally transferred to Russian custody. She languishes in Moscow’s Matrosskaya Tishina prison on blatantly ridiculous charges. She has suffered greatly during her unjust imprisonment.

“Another hostage, Oleg Sentsov, has been held in pre-trial detention for nearly a year since his arrest in Crimea on May 11, 2014, on trumped-up terrorism charges. Mr. Sentsov’s arrest is a part of Russia’s concerted efforts to quash any dissent against its occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea.

“Ms. Savchenko and Mr. Sentsov are only two of the many Ukrainians that Russia and the separatists it backs are holding hostage. We once again reiterate our call for Russia and the separatists it backs to honor the commitments they have made, including by releasing all Ukrainian hostages.”

– U.S. Ambassador Daniel B. Baer, addressing the Vienna-based Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on April 16.


“Canada strongly condemns ongoing violations of the Minsk agreements by Russia and Russian-backed insurgents in eastern Ukraine. Russia continues to violate the ceasefire and maintain troops and equipment in eastern Ukraine. There are credible reports of additional Russian weaponry being moved into the area. These acts are in clear violation of the Minsk agreements and jeopardize their viability. We also condemn Russia’s reported military build-up along the border with Ukraine to levels not seen in months, which further undermines the region’s stability. The Minsk agreements are only as good as their implementation. We call on Mr. Putin to respect his commitments, to withdraw Russian troops and weapons from Ukraine and to allow for de-escalation. We will continue to judge Russia by its deeds and not by its words. We are closely monitoring the situation on the ground and, in close coordination with our partners and allies, will continue to confront the Kremlin to end its brutal aggression.”

– Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Nicholson, in a statement released on April 26.