July 10, 2015

Canada imposes additional sanctions


OTTAWA – Canada imposed economic sanctions and travel bans on June 29 against three Russian individuals and economic sanctions against 14 Russian entities. The individuals include Aleksandr Dugin, a leader of the Eurasian Youth Union. The entities subject to economic sanctions are: Gazprom; Gazprom Neft, Surgutneftegas and Transneft. Eurasian Youth Union; Marshall Capital Fund; Night Wolves motorcycle club; JSC United Aircraft Corporation and six subsidiaries of the defense Company Rostec. Canada also imposed an import/export ban on Russian-occupied Crimea that prohibits the import and export of goods; investment; provision or acquisition of financial or other related services and the transfer, provision or communication of technical data or services; provision or acquisition of financial and other services related to tourism; and the docking of cruise ships. Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated, “Until there is real peace, until occupying forces are withdrawn, and until Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty is restored, there must be ongoing consequences for President Putin’s regime. […] We stand with our partners in calling on President Putin to end his invasion of eastern Ukraine, to withdraw his soldiers, tanks and heavy weapons, and to cease providing military aid to insurgents. We support current efforts for a diplomatic solution and call for Russia and its proxies to fully implement their commitments under the Minsk agreements.” (Ukrainian Canadian Congress)