August 19, 2016

A suggestion re: counter-argument


Dear Editor:

Re: “A counter-argument to Andrew Fedynsky’s” (July 31), in her letter, Lydia Kossak Kernitsky, D.M.D., has made it clear that she supports Donald Trump and will not be voting for Hillary Clinton. She writes that, “If you love America and Ukraine, you will not vote for Hillary Clinton.”

But I wonder, if for some strange reason Dr. Kossak Kernitsky changes her mind about “the Donald,” her preferred candidate, who are Dr. Kossak Kernitsky’s non-Hillary options? Perhaps she will vote for the Libertarian, Gary Johnson, who stated on RT (Russia Today, Vladimir Putin’s propaganda “news” show) that what he calls U.S. intervention in Ukraine would be the equivalent of Russian intervention in Puerto Rico? (See link:

Or, perhaps Dr. Kossak Kernitsky will consider voting for Jill Stein (Green Party) who sat at the same table with Mr. Putin during a December 2015 celebration of RT in Moscow? (See link: She notes of that evening: “While the objective of that dinner was not to engage in serious discussions, Putin did appear to respond in his formal remarks to the call for greater dialogue and collaboration made by myself and three other political figures on the foreign policy panel earlier that day.”

And so, I offer what I hope is a helpful suggestion: that between now and November 8, Dr. Kossak Kernitsky read a few informative and analytical articles about the implications of the choice she will be making when she casts her vote.

Tania Vitvitsky

Sudbury, Mass.