September 2, 2016

A weekend of culture and history at the annual Lemko Vatra Festival in U.S.


Julie Wislocki

The family of the late Dr. Ivan Hvozda helps light the bonfire of the Lemko Vatra in the U.S.A.

ELLENVILLE, N.Y. – Once a year during the summer, the members of the Organization for the Defense of Lemkivshchyna (Orhanizatsiia Oborony Lemkivshchyny, or OOL) hang a banner across the entrance to the campgrounds of the Ukrainian American Youth Association in Ellenville, N.Y., that says: “Vitayemo na Lemkivskiiy Vatri” – “Welcome to the Lemko Vatra.” This year’s Lemko Vatra in the USA – the 16th organized by OOL – took place on June 25-26.

Against the backdrop of the Catskill Mountains, which resemble the rolling hills of the Lemko region, guests gathered by the outdoor stage to watch the two-day festival performance. In front of the stage, the family members of the late Dr. Ivan Hvozda helped light the festival’s traditional “vatra,” or bonfire, to signify the start of this year’s event. Dr. Hvozda had been an influential figure within the Ukrainian Lemko community, serving as president of both OOL and the World Lemko Federation, as well as Editor of the publication Annals of Lemkivshchyna.

Enjoying sunshine all weekend long, the Lemko Vatra’s three masters of ceremonies – Vasyl Harhaj, Halyna Semenyak and Darek Kuzmiak – took turns introducing the festival performers. Highlights included: the authentic Lemko folk band Demaj from Gromadka, Poland; the Rodyna musical ensemble of New York; the Obrii dancers from Passaic, N.J.; the Malay dancers from Jersey City, N.J.; Max Lozynskyj from New York; the Korinnya folk band from New Paltz, N.Y.; young singer Ariana Lem Joy from New York City; and the humorist Petro Wislocki.

Festival-goers could also visit the various vendor tents, which offered a variety of food, books and Lemko-themed souvenirs ranging from Lemko Vatra T-shirts to jewelry made out of Lemko-style Easter eggs. Guests took part in the annual pig roast in addition to tasting the traditional Ukrainian food for sale.

Lemko Vatra masters of ceremonies (from left): Darek Kuzmiak, Halyna Semenyak and Vasyl Harhaj.

Julie Wislocki

Lemko Vatra masters of ceremonies (from left): Darek Kuzmiak, Halyna Semenyak and Vasyl Harhaj.

The Lemko Research Foundation (LRF) sold maps about the Lemko region and books on Lemko history, architecture, poetry and culture. At the Lemko History and Heritage Tent, genealogists Justin Houser and Michael Buryk answered questions about how to research one’s Lemko roots.

Other events included the Vatra Cup soccer tournament, which was won by FC Karpaty (Passaic). On Saturday night, the Lemko Vatra guests were treated to both outdoor and indoor dances to live music by both the Demaj and Rodyna bands.

Prof. Stephen Rapawy also gave a presentation of his book, “The Culmination of Conflict: The Ukrainian-Polish Civil War and the Expulsion of Ukrainians after the Second World War.”

Additionally, guests attended divine liturgy at the Lemko chapel on Sunday.

For those who were unable to attend the festival, OOL suggests a visit to its website,, or its Facebook page, Lemko-OOL, where you can purchase LRF’s books online and find more information about other upcoming Lemko-related events.