September 16, 2016

Hillary’s RUSNANO and ROSATOM problem


Dear Editor:

In March 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov with a mock “reset” button. “Was it right?” Hillary asked with a smile. Mr. Lavrov responded, “You got it wrong!” “Peregruzka” means “overloaded” or “overcharged.” The red and yellow prop had been stolen from a Jacuzzi or swimming pool. Hillary’s State Department couldn’t correctly translate “reset.”

In 2009, President Barack Obama announced the creation of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission. The stated goal: “identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international stability, economic well-being and the development of ties between the Russian and American people.” Hillary aggressively recruited U.S. tech giants Google, Cisco and Intel to “help” with the Skolkovo Project, a Soviet-style, “innovation city” of 30,000 workers near Moscow. Russians work in state-of-the art facilities under strict Russian government control.

In 2014, the FBI issued an extraordinary warning: “The Skolkovo Foundation may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with commercial and military application.” Twenty-eight U.S., European and Russian companies participated in Skolkovo. Seventeen donated to the Clinton Foundation or paid Bill Clinton for speeches. Joule Unlimited was one of the companies. Two months after Hillary’s campaign manager and director of the Center for American Progress, John Podesta, joined Joule’s board of directors, RUSNANO (founded by Vladimir Putin in 2007) announced a $35 million investment into Joule. Mr. Podesta sat on the board with Mr. Putin’s friend and mega-oligarch Ruben Vardanyan.

The Russian investment bank Renaissance Capital paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech while promoting Uranium One stock. The Russian company ROSATOM purchased Uranium One. As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. In the run-up to Hillary approving the deal, total donations from Uranium One shareholders to the Clinton Foundation exceeded $145 million. Uranium One controls over 20 percent of U.S. uranium production.

In the 1990s large donations to Mr. Clinton and the DNC came from two American firms launching private communications satellites on Chinese rockets. Later, the firms Loral Space Communications and Hughes Electronics gave the Communist Chinese secret U.S. information to help with their rocket guidance systems after one of the Chinese rockets crashed, destroying the Hughes satellite aboard. Bill Clinton approved that technology transfer.

On June 19, 1953, Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed. Judge Irving Kaufman’s sentencing statement noted: “…I believe your conduct in putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason.” Mr. Clinton’s technology transfers enabled the Chinese to destroy satellites and aim multi-warhead missiles at American cities. What will be the future cost – in lives – of Hillary’s Skolkovo and Uranium One “gifts” to Russia?

Oakland, Maine