July 17, 2015

Video promotes business in Ukraine


KYIV – The U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) said on July 10 that it was proud to present a new video released that day by the Ukrainian Ministry of Economic Trade and Development to attract international investment to Ukraine. The message of the video: Ukraine provides unlimited opportunities for investments with its highly skilled professionals, proximity to the core transport hubs of the region and a new generation of leaders. The promotional release, called “Open for U,” is a call to action from Ukrainians to the world and to the global business community to come visit Ukraine and discover the exciting business opportunities that exist there. The video was presented by Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk of Ukraine at the U.S.-Ukraine Business Forum in Washington on July 13. The video may be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= jdSQuanI8Z8. (USUBC)