December 16, 2016

Holodomor remembered with poignant ceremony in Toronto


Robert Rutkay

At the memorial service for the victims of the Holodomor at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius.

TORONTO – Over 400 people attended a very moving Holodomor commemorative service organized on Saturday, November 26, by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Toronto branch. The event was held to honor and pray for the millions who perished from deliberate starvation imposed by the Soviet regime in 1932-1933.

Present were two Holodomor survivors, Stefan Horlatsch and Mykola Latyshko, along with their families. Also in attendance were children and grandchildren of deceased Holodomor survivors.

The effects of this genocide of the Ukrainian nation resonate to this day, as Ukrainians also remember to commemorate the third anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity.

The ceremony was held at St. Demetrius Orthodox Church on Lake Shore Boulevard in Toronto. It commenced with a procession led by Dr. Pavlo and Nadia Zmiyiwsky, and their children, followed by numerous members from the Ukrainian Youth Associations from Mississauga and Etobicoke who throughout the entire commemoration held candles and posters they made, which depicted the Holodomor.  They also formed an honor guard holding 33 black flags.

Bohdana Schturyn, the main speaker and granddaughter of Mr. Horlatsch, gave a very moving and poignant speech recounting the need to remember the Holodomor. She recounted the personal tragedy of her grandfather and the family that she never got to know and their fate. As well, she stressed the importance for erecting and supporting a Holodomor monument in Toronto, and how the iconic statue of the “little girl” (the iconic bronze sculpture “Bitter Memories of Childhood”) is a reminder of Ukraine’s history that must not be forgotten. As well, Miss Schturyn stated that the monument is a reminder of things that we need to strive to change in our society.

Eyewitnesses of the Holodomor Nicholas Latyshko (left) and Steven Horlatsch.

Eyewitnesses of the Holodomor Nicholas Latyshko (left) and Steven Horlatsch.

Comments on this tragic period of Ukrainian history were made by the consul general of Ukraine in Toronto, Andryi Veselovskyi, Member of Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj, and Members of Provincial Parliament Yvan Baker (a grandson of a Holodomor survivor) and Patrick Brown (leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario). Greetings from Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne were brought by MPP Peter Milczyn and further greetings were sent by the leader of Ontario’s New Democratic Party, MPP Andrea Horvath. Others in attendance were MPs Peter Fonseca, James Maloney, Sven Spengemann and Arif Virani, MPP John Yakabuski, and Trustees Chris Glover and Pamela Goughes from the Toronto District School Board.

In her closing remarks, Oksana Rewa, past President of the UCC, Toronto Branch, noted that during the years of the Holodomor nations were unwilling to disrupt lucrative trade agreements with the Soviet Union in order to recognize or pursue the dire matter of the Famine. She also stated that Ukrainians fear that this pattern is rearing its ugly head once again and that their current fight for decency and democracy will be foiled – all the sake for someone’s economic growth.

In closing, emcees Liza Zienchuk and Taras Chved asked that all join the worldwide Ukrainian community in remembering those who perished during the Holodomor, by lighting a candle of remembrance at 19:32 p.m.