December 23, 2016

Academic story of Gareth Jones


Originally published in hardcover in 2013, this paperback release of “Gareth Jones: Eyewitness to the Holodomor,” is an academic story of Gareth Jones – one of the first journalists to reveal the horror of the Soviet-manipulated Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933, known as the Holodomor.

The book traces Jones’ life as a foreign affairs advisor to David Lloyd George and Ivy Lee, two of the most influential people at that time. As a fluent Russian-speaker, Jones investigated by visiting the affected regions and the Ukrainian people. The Soviet government had denied his reports that their Five-Year Plan had led to mass starvation.

Jones published his articles in the United Kingdom (Evening Standard, Daily Express and Western Mail). In the U.S., stories about Jones’ work in covering the Holodomor were carried by the New York Evening Post and Chicago Daily News. Immediately, Jones’ credibility and integrity were attacked and denigrated by the Soviet government and sympathizers such as Walter Duranty of The New York Times.

Jones was killed under suspicious circumstances in Japanese-controlled China in 1933. Many experts assert that Jones was killed by the Soviets in revenge for his eyewitness reporting of the Holodomor.

Dr. Gamache is a semi-retired journalism professor from the University of Maryland who is assistant professor of journalism at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Born in Nashua, N.H., he has authored numerous books and articles related to fiction, sport media, journalism history and poetry.

The original book launch was on June 20, 2013, at the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain in London. In attendance were Dr. Gamache, Nigel Colley who is the great-nephew of Gareth Jones, as well as Ashley Drake and Helen Drake of Welsh Academic Press.

Readers may obtain copies of the book at local booksellers, online retailers or by contacting the publisher via e-mail, [email protected], or Additional information can be found at