January 6, 2017

UCC board concludes strategic planning session



The Board of Directors of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress meeting at its strategic planning session in Toronto.

Directors from across Canada represented their member organizations and created detailed plans to operationalize these resolutions in order to address the needs and priorities of the Ukrainian Canadian community.

The board determined three strategic pillars for the upcoming three-year term of the UCC: developing the Ukrainian Canadian community; celebrating and advancing the Ukrainian Canadian identity; and supporting Ukraine.

Dr. Roman Petryshyn of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) delivered an insightful presentation on the history and cultural identity of the Ukrainian Canadian community. The presentation encouraged critical thought concerning the UCC’s role in representing the 1.3 million Ukrainians across Canada.

Committees and advisory councils

The UCC is supported by strong and focused committees that work on specialties on short- and long-term bases. Following each triennial congress, these committees are disbanded and the board must restructure the committees to deliver its strategic outcomes for the next cycle.

The committees adopted for the current term include: 125th Anniversary of Immigration; 2019 Triennial Congress; Awards and Recognition; Canada-Ukraine; Civic Engagement; Community Development, Finance, Fund-raising; Governance; Immigration; Invictus Games Hosting; Museums, Archives and Research Institutions; National Holodomor Awareness; National Holodomor Education; Religious Affairs; School Council; Ukraine Appeal; and Ukrainian Canadian Arts Council (UCAN).

The UCC is also served by advisory councils that offer expertise in particular areas of interest from time to time. These councils include: Academic Advisory Council, Council of Ukrainian Canadian Journalists, Council of Ukrainian Canadian Media, Legal Advisory Council, UCC Advisory Council, Ukraine Advisory Council and Youth Advisory Council.

Outcomes of the strategic planning 

The board members met with community chairs and developed specific plans pertaining to each committee in addressing each of the resolutions set out by the triennial congress. Some notable examples include:

• Project Link, which will enable local community members to inform their Members of Parliament on issues concerning the Ukrainian Canadian community;

• Canadian Parliamentary Internship Program, which will provide opportunities in youth leadership at the federal level in Ottawa;

• Holodomor Awareness, which is embarking on an internationally based plan to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Famine-Genocide;

• National School Council, which will standardize curriculums on Ukrainian history and implement best practices into “ridni shkoly” (schools of Ukrainian studies), bilingual and heritage schools; and

• Religious Affairs Committee, which will strengthen linkages between the UCC and religious groups that serve the Ukrainian community.

To demonstrate the UCC’s commitment to its resolutions, the committees will share terms of reference online at http://www.ucc.ca/programs/committees/. The committees will make deliberate efforts to build committee membership and share information regarding their work plans.

The UCC is also looking for community members to work with the organization to help deliver these initiatives. Readers can learn more by calling the UCC office at 204-942-4627 or completing the Committee Volunteer Application form online at www.ucc.ca.