April 7, 2017


“… in this amorphous borderless global hybrid war, there is a hard military front line. It stretches from the Baltic to the Black Sea… On this hard military front line, there is an active regional war in Donbas. There the Kremlin is testing the resolve of the democratic West. Will the West sacrifice Ukraine in the hope of satisfying Russian revanchist neo-imperialism in the manner that Czechoslovakia was sacrificed by the West after the invasion of Sudetenland?

“Canada has made it clear that there will be no appeasement. While we diplomatically engage Russia, sanctions will continue, and the Canadian military will continue to deploy into Ukraine to help train and equip the Ukrainians as they head to the frontlines. With Operation UNIFIER, we stand shoulder to shoulder with our ally Ukraine in the face of Russia’s war against Ukraine, and we are containing Putin’s revanchist imperialism, his Global Hybrid War against the liberal democratic West. …”

– Canadian Member of Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj, speaking on March 20 in the House of Commons.