May 12, 2017

UCC on Victory in Europe Day


The Ukrainian Canadian Congress on May 8 issued the following release.

Today marks the 72nd anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day). On May 8, 1945, Nazi Germany surrendered unconditionally to the Western Allies and the Soviet Union. World War II in Europe, which had begun in 1939 with the Nazi-Soviet invasion and dismemberment of Poland, was ended. After more than five years of the most brutal war ever inflicted upon humanity, the guns of Europe fell silent on May 8.

We pause today to honor and remember the brave men and women who served Canada in this colossal struggle. More than 45,000 gave their lives and over 55,000 were wounded in the struggle to defeat tyranny. More than 1 million Canadians served in uniform during World War II – among them some 40,000 of Ukrainian origin.

At places such as Juno Beach, the Scheldt, Caen, Sicily, Ortona and countless other fields of battle, Canadians fought with valor to liberate Europe from Nazi tyranny. They earned with their courage and sacrifice the eternal gratitude of all free peoples.

“Today, we pay tribute to the soldiers who served Canada with such determination and courage,” stated Capt. (ret’d) Andre Sochaniwsky, CD, president of the Ukrainian War Veterans Association of Canada. “We shall remember forever their heroism and their service to our country and to the cause of liberty.”

While on the Western front, Canada and the Western allies liberated Europe from Nazi despotism, on the Eastern front Stalin’s Soviet Union brought more oppression, death and cruelty to the captive nations of Eastern Europe.

Caught between the totalitarian and genocidal empires of Hitler and Stalin, Ukrainians fought with valor and bravery against both occupiers. Victory over Nazi Germany brought neither peace, nor freedom nor deliverance to Ukraine. The Ukrainian people were forced to struggle for more than four decades after the end of World War II for their liberation. We remember and honor their sacrifices and their bravery.

Today, the people of Ukraine are forced to fight in defense of that freedom. Putin’s Russia seeks once again to subjugate Ukraine to Moscow’s tyranny. Ukraine’s sons and daughters again bravely take up arms to defend their country. With God’s help, they will be victorious.

Lest we forget. Вічная пам’ять.