May 12, 2017

A public thank you to Orest Deychakiwsky


Dear Editor:

I’d like to express a sincere public thank you to Orest Deychakiwsky, who just retired from the U.S. Helsinki Commission. For many years I, along with many others, was on Mr. Deychakiwsky’s e-mail list to receive invaluable information published in leading publications about matters regarding Ukraine. The e-mails came from him several times a week, containing articles from numerous publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, and there were also reports from the Ukrainian embassy, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Atlantic Council, the U.S. Department of State, and many others.

I found it invaluable to have regular access to this information to keep abreast of events concerning Ukraine during this critical period in Ukraine’s history. I know full well how much work tracking this kind of information takes, and what dedication is required to select, format, and send out this information so faithfully.

I also appreciated Mr. Deychakiwsky’s occasional comments about relevant issues, directing readers to particularly valuable points. His depth of knowledge as well as his dedication to the subject that’s so near and dear to our hearts are admirable. I’m certain that all will miss this amazing service that Mr. Deychakiwsky has provided over the years.

And I’m sure I speak for everyone in thanking Mr. Deychakiwsky and wishing him all the very best in his retirement. We all look for continued work on behalf of Ukraine and the Ukrainian community, I’m sure. Xай щастить! (Good luck!)

Thank you!
