November 3, 2017


…the conflict in eastern Ukraine remains hot. The Ukrainian government has taken numerous political steps prescribed under the Minsk agreements, such as its recent extension of the law to devolve “special status” to eastern portions of the Donbas after satisfactory local elections.

However, the Russian Federation has failed to uphold step one: a real and lasting ceasefire. Acts that are contrary to both the letter and spirit of Minsk agreements continue regularly. The situation remains fragile and unpredictable, and the risk of re-escalation remains high. …

The United States waits for Russia, as the party that initiated this conflict, to withdraw the forces that it arms, leads, trains and fights alongside from the line of contact and to place its proscribed weapons in storage, in accordance with the Minsk agreements. …

The United States also calls for the release of all Ukrainian citizens illegally held or sentenced in Russia for exercising their fundamental freedoms.

…the restrictions on freedom of expression in Russia-occupied Crimea are appalling. We are concerned by reports that at least 49 Crimean Tatars were arbitrarily detained on October 14 for staging one-person protests in towns all around the Crimean peninsula. They were protesting violent police raids on Crimean Tatar homes in Bakhchysarai. These detentions are part of an orchestrated campaign of oppression of the Crimean Tatars, and of anyone else who opposes Russia’s purported annexation and occupation of the Crimean peninsula.

The United States once again calls upon Russia to end its repressive actions in occupied Crimea and return control of Crimea to Ukraine. The United States fully supports Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. …

– Statement by the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, as delivered by Chargé d’Affaires ad interim Harry R. Kamian to the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on October 19.