December 1, 2017

UNWLA Branch 30 celebrates 30th anniversary


Ronald Liteplo

Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Branch 30 members and children performers sing “Mnohaya Lita”: (front row, from left) Sofiya Balkova, Sophia Skaskiv, Renata Uhlinksyy, Milania Cherneha, Olesya Bida, Dmytro Maryniak, Lisa Chokan, Marko Halay, (second row) Halya Lianna, Areta Woroch, Maryana Telischak, Arcadia Kocybala, Iryna Hoshovskyj, Lesia Boyko, Vera Berezowsky, Nadia Liteplo, Zhanna Huralska, Liliya Balkova, Iryna Romaniv and Lyudmyla Halay.

YONKERS, N.Y. – Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) Branch 30 in Westchester County with its center in Yonkers, N.Y., celebrated its 30th anniversary on Sunday, October 22. The well-attended event was held in the hall of St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in Yonkers.

The formal program had a dual focus: celebrating the anniversary of the branch and honoring Lydia Krushelnytsky, the “pride of Ukrainian dramaturgy,” for whom the branch was named in 2012. It also had dual masters of ceremonies: Vera Berezowsky and Liliya Balkova.

Opening the program, Ms. Berezowsky presented an informative review of the branch’s history and activities over three decades, ranging from financial support of numerous causes and establishment of a nursery school (“svitlychka”) to exhibits in Westchester County to acquaint visitors with Ukrainian culture and folk art. Her talk was accompanied by a slide show with memorable photographs of members and sponsored events.

She introduced Nadia Liteplo, president of Branch 30, who welcomed the attendees and special guests, including the Very Rev. Archpriest Kiril Angelov, pastor of St. Michael’s Church; Halyna Romanyshyn, president of the UNWLA’s New York Regional Council; Lydia Slysh, president of UNWLA Branch 64 and former editor of Our Life magazine; and Lesya Topolya, a current editor of Our Life.

Ms. Liteplo presented certificates of recognition to members who had made significant service contributions to Branch 30: Nadia Howansky, Luba Kuver, Oksana Porodko, Olya Rudyk and Areta Woroch, who was the first president of the branch.

In a sweet interlude, each of the children from the nursery school, dressed in Ukrainian costume, recited short poems. The children had been coached by their teacher, Lyudmyla Halay.

Ms. Balkova presented an engaging retrospective together with a slide show on the life and artistic career of Ms. Krushelnytsky, showcasing the dramaturgist’s accomplishments, including a segment from her production of “Lisova Pisnia.” The two presentations were followed by a delightful vignette from the fairy tale, “Leliya,” written by Lesia Ukrainka, as performed by children from the parish. Their charming performance was directed by Ms. Balkova.

Each of the UNWLA representatives offered congratulations and warm remarks about the branch, and Ms. Slysh also reminisced about Ms. Krushelnytsky who had been a member of Branch 64.

At each table, festively decorated in an autumnal theme, the guests enjoyed a buffet of hors d’oeuvres, sandwiches and desserts prepared by members of the branch. The celebration concluded with a champagne toast, the cutting of the 30th-shaped torte, and a chorus of “Mnohaya Lita,” as well as a prayer and closing remarks by Father Angelov.