December 15, 2017

Ordination of permanent deacon is historic event in Miami parish


Zoriana Romankiv

Bishop Danylo is greeted as he enters Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in Miami.

MIAMI – For the first time in the 70-year history of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in Miami, a member of this parish was consecrated as a permanent deacon in the Ukrainian Catholic faith. On October 15, Bishop Bohdan Danylo of the Eparchy of Parma, Ohio, came to Miami to ordain Paul Galadza.

For more than 40 years Deacon Paul has been a pillar of this parish. He has offered his gifts and talents in many ways to benefit the church community. In his Christian example of giving, he has earned the respect and love of this parish. Having completed the educational Deacon’s Program from the Eparchy of Parma, and now ordained as permanent deacon, he will now be able to enrich the liturgical celebrations of this parish.

This parish historical event began with а solemn processional into the church with Bishop Bohdan, officiating priests and the pastor, Father Andrii Romankiv. After greeting Bishop Bohdan with the traditional bread and salt, the youngest parishioners, attired in Ukrainian dress, welcomed him with poems. Next came greetings from the Parish Advisory Committee members Ivan Kocur and Oksana Piaseckyj, as well as from Father Andrii. Among the honored clergy were Msgr. Martin Canavan and Deacon Paul’s two brothers, Father Roman Galadza and Father Peter Galadza, Ph.D.

The deacon blessing ceremony occurred during the hierarchal liturgy. In his homily Bishop Bohdan reminded the faithful of the connection of being called to serve God through one’s participation in a living vibrant parish. That Deacon Paul’s ordination came in this year, which has been dedicated to “Deacon Service – Serving One’s Neighbor” in the strategic program of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church 2020 called “The Vibrant Parish – A Place to Encounter the Living Christ,” was especially significant.

The celebration continued in a warm familial atmosphere in the parish hall. During the festive dinner, clergy, members of the parish, family members and guests warmly greeted Deacon Paul and his wife, Valerie. Their four children, six grandchildren and extended families were beaming with love and pride. Bishop Bohdan personally greeted parishioners and extended his blessings.