December 15, 2017

Ukrainian Technological Society presents Ukrainian of the Year Award to Natalie Jaresko


Roksana Korchynsky

At the Ukrainian Technological Society’s 47th annual dinner-dance (from left) are: Eugene Szestak, Mary Anne Szestak, Halyna Mykhailiv-Ciarallo, honoree Natalie A. Jaresko, George Honchar, Bonnie Reinhart, Nickolas C. Kotow and Judith Moses.

PITTSBURGH – The Ukrainian Technological Society of Pittsburgh held its 47th annual dinner-dance on Saturday, November 4, at The Club at Nevillewood in Pittsburgh and presented its 2017 Ukrainian of the Year Award to Natalie Ann Jaresko.

The society’s Ukrainian of the Year Award recognizes individuals of local, national and international stature who have contributed to the Ukrainian community or Ukrainian scholarship, or who have demonstrated significant achievement, which brings recognition and prestige to the Ukrainian community.

Ms. Jaresko was honored for her 25 plus years of successful management experience in government and business, and for perpetuating Ukrainian religious culture by her service to the Ukrainian Orthodox League.

Prior to the evening’s ceremonies, Ms. Jaresko and her family had a chance to visit the students and teachers at the School of Ukrainian Studies of Pittsburgh at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, Pa., where they were welcomed by Principal Olexandra Korenovska. Ms. Jaresko viewed the students’ lessons, and explained to them, in both Ukrainian and English, what she did as the minister of finance of Ukraine in Ukraine.

The Jaresko family was then welcomed by the Very Rev. Stephen Repa at Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, also in Carnegie, where they talked to the kitchen workers, viewed the museum’s hundreds of photographs and documents on the history of the second oldest Ukrainian church in the Pittsburgh area, and visited the church sanctuary, where the Rev. Repa explained the many icons beautifying the church, many of which had been created by local iconographer Michael Kapeluck.

In his nominating address at the presentation ceremony, George Honchar, President of the UTS executive board, detailed Ms. Jaresko’s impressive biography. Born in a suburb of Chicago to immigrant parents, Ms. Jaresko was deeply involved in her Ukrainian culture and religious life throughout her childhood. After earning a bachelor of science degree in accounting from DePaul University in 1987 and a master’s degree in public policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 1989, Ms. Jaresko began her career in public service, holding various positions at the State Department in Washington. She then served as chief of the Economic Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, where she was responsible for building a new economic relationship between the United States and the newly independent Ukraine.

Ms. Jaresko went on to co-found and serve as chief executive officer of Horizon Capital, a successful investment firm with many investments in Ukraine. In 2014-2016, Ms. Jaresko served as Ukraine’s minister of finance at one of the most critical times in the country’s history. Her actions in this capacity resulted in stabilization of the domestic currency, growth in banking system deposits, sharply reduced inflation and growth in industrial production. Currently, Ms. Jaresko is serving in the critically important position of executive director of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico to put Puerto Rico back on a path to fiscal stability. Her job has become even more important after the recent devastation of Puerto Rico by hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Upon accepting the award, Ms. Jaresko reflected on her experiences as the child of Ukrainian immigrant parents. She noted that her parents fled war, homelessness, famine and lack of religious freedom to come to the United States. Here, she said, they found shelter, safety, and freedom. She recalled being inspired by reading about the leaders of these two great nations: Ivan Mazepa and Symon Petliura from Ukraine and Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt from the United States, and found that the common thread in the histories of these individuals was their public service to their nations. Thus, she said, began her desire to serve and to give back to the two countries that had given her so much.

Throughout her long career in public service and in the private sector, Ms. Jaresko endeavored to promote opportunity, prosperity and economic freedom. She asked everyone to consider how they could best serve Ukraine and was confident that each individual could contribute in some way to the challenges facing Ukraine today.

Following Ms. Jaresko’s remarks, Mr. Honchar invited all present to join in a celebratory “Mnohaya Lita.”

The Rev. Repa of Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Carnegie gave the invocation. The Rev. Jason Charron of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church of Carnegie gave the benediction. Music for the evening was provided by Orkestra Zabava.

The beautifully designed award honoring Ms. Jaresko was created by Pittsburgh graphic artist Kathy Boykowycz.

To learn more about the Ukrainian Technological Society of Pittsburgh, the Ukrainian of the Year and Friendship Awards, the UTS annual scholarship program, and other UTS activities, readers may visit the UTS website at, send an e-mail to [email protected], or follow UTS on Facebook.