January 19, 2018

Ukrainian World Congress calls for Ukrainians to join international flash mob #UnitedUkraine


TORONTO – The Ukrainian World Congress is calling on Ukrainians around the world to join the international flash mob #UnitedUkraine marking Ukrainian Unity Day (Den Sobornosty) on January 22.

Organized by the community organizations Ukrainians and Batkivschyna Moloda, this fourth “United Ukraine” flash mob welcomes the participation of every individual who supports Ukraine, and aspires to its unity and the end of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

In 2017, over 12,000 participants in 63 countries took part in the flash mob.

Readers may join this year’s action by following these steps:

• Print out or recreate the poster with the motto of the action: “United Ukraine.” (High-resolution posters can be downloaded here: https://goo.gl/2JJ8ZC.)

• Take a photo or make a video with the poster, horizontal orientation, and with one person in the photo.

• Publish the photo on the official Facebook page of the flash mob (https://www.facebook.com/events/1673453140 31715) and on your own social media pages using the hashtag #UnitedUkraine. Include the city and country in which the photo was taken.

• Tag three of your friends in the post, passing the torch of the flash mob.

• Send the photo in high resolution electronically to [email protected].

On January 22 at noon at Kyiv’s MediaHub (4/6 Suvorova St., Kyiv) the photos of all participants of the flash mob from around the world including all corners of Ukraine will be presented to the media and the public.

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The UWC is the international coordinating body for Ukrainian communities in the diaspora representing the interests of over 20 million Ukrainians. The UWC has a network of member organizations and ties with Ukrainians in 53 countries.