January 15, 2015

“Emergency War Surgery” textbook translated to help wounded in Ukraine


DETROIT – The Borden Institute, a component of the Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General, in September 2014 authorized the Ukrainian translation of “Emergency War Surgery” (fourth edition, 2013), the U.S. military’s most famous medical reference textbook on treating wounds sustained in combat.

This textbook, known as EWS, consists of approximately 560 pages in 36 chapters. Each chapter addresses the appropriate management of military wounds, including mass casualty and triage; shock, resuscitation and vascular access; and various other penetrating injuries. This book is based on the premise that military wounds need to be treated immediately and adequately so that an injured soldier can return to duty with his/her unit as soon as possible. This invaluable information can also be used by Ukrainian physicians to treat civilian casualties in the war zone.

EWS is being published by the American Ukrainian Medical Foundation (AUMF), a public charity based in Michigan, which holds a 501(c)(3) tax-exemption from the Internal Revenue Service. The translated chapters of EWS are immediately posted on the AUMF website upon completion of the translation at www.aumf.net. To date, 32 translated chapters have been posted. By accessing this website, Ukrainian physicians are able to gain access to the latest medical techniques for treating wounds sustained in combat.

The AUMF has posted the English version of EWS on its website in electronic format. This can be downloaded by Ukrainian physicians on their computers and tablets. After all the chapters have been translated, AUMF plans to publish this textbook in electronic book format. Thus, it will be available free of charge to all physicians and medical schools in Ukraine.

The AUMF is also planning a hard-copy version of EWS, anticipating that components of the Ukrainian government will distribute the hard-copy edition to those hospitals and clinics they deem most in need of this medical textbook.

The AUMF was created in 1996 by Dr. Paul J. Dzul, who continues to serve as its honorary chairman. Its primary mission has always been to improve the medical standards of healthcare in Ukraine by translating world-renowned medical textbooks into Ukrainian. EWS is only the most recent in a long line of medical textbooks published by the AUMF.

Since its inception, the AUMF has financed the translation and publication of 23 world-renowned English-language medical textbooks for use in Ukraine’s medical schools. The most noteworthy are the 29th and 30th editions of Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary and the second and fourth editions of Netter’s Atlas of the Human Anatomy. Most of these textbooks were distributed free of charge in Ukraine. The translation and printing of these books continue to be done by Nautilus Publishing House in Lviv.

To obtain further information about the American Ukrainian Medical Foundation, readers may visit the website at www.aumf.net.