March 23, 2018

Portman, Durbin introduce resolution marking 85th anniversary of Holodomor


WASHINGTON – Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), co-chairs of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, on March 15 introduced a resolution marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, Stalin’s intentional starvation of large segments of Ukrainian society in 1932-1933.

The resolution would commemorate the anniversary of the Holodomor and recognize the Soviet Union’s role in perpetrating this genocide. The resolution builds on a number of congressional actions to condemn the Holodomor and honor its victims, including the 2015 dedication of the Holodomor Memorial in Washington.

Sens. Portman and Durbin were joined in introducing this resolution by a bipartisan group of senators including James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).

“This important resolution honors the memory of the millions of Ukrainians who suffered under the Soviets’ policy of using starvation as a weapon to try to break the independence and identity of the Ukrainian nation,” said Sen. Portman. “As Ukraine continues to fight today to defend its independence and sovereignty in the face of Russia aggression, this resolution serves as an even more important reminder of the horrible atrocities inflicted upon Ukraine and the perseverance of a people whose spirit cannot be broken.”

“Ukraine’s Famine is an ugly chapter in world history, in which millions of civilians died at the hands of the Soviet Union’s cruel policies,” said Sen. Durbin. “As a co-chair of the Senate’s Ukraine Caucus, I am proud to introduce this resolution to raise awareness in our country of this mass tragedy. We remember the victims of the Famine who were killed and support the efforts of the Ukrainian people to bring global awareness to it, particularly as the world confronts Russian aggression today. We extend our deepest sympathies to the victims, survivors and families of this tragedy.”