May 25, 2018

Calling Trump et al to account


Dear Editor:

I am astonished by Ihor Mirchuk’s letter to the editor (“Seek collaboration, not partisanship,” May 20), including his reference to the paid advertisement of the UACTT [Ukrainian-Americans for Compassion, Truth & Transparency) that appeared in the February 25, 2018, issue of The Ukrainian Weekly calling for the support of the Mueller investigation into Russian election interference. 

As one of the so-called “anti-Trump Ukrainian Democrat zealots” who signed the ad and as a citizen of this country, I will continue to criticize and call to account President Donald Trump. This is a president who lies about matters great and small; who is eroding our democratic institutions; who has installed incompetent and corrupt Cabinet secretaries and appointed his daughter and ethically compromised son-in-law as “advisors” at the White House; who is undermining our law enforcement and security services; who is shredding long-standing economic and security alliances on a whim; and who is enamored of strongmen in power, including Vladimir Putin. 

Shall we all ignore or wish away charges that have already been filed against Michael Flynn (the president’s former national security advisor), Paul Manafort (former campaign manager for both President Trump and Ukraine’s corrupt and Russia-loving former President Viktor Yanukovych), Richard Gates (Mr. Trump’s former top campaign aide) and 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities? 

With three guilty pleas and a Dutch lawyer in jail, a total of 100 criminal charges have been brought thus far. And now Michael Cohen, the president’s personal lawyer/self-proclaimed fixer and former executive vice-president of the Trump Organization, is being investigated for numerous serious crimes. 

Being an informed citizen and voter, I will continue criticizing this president and his Republican aiders and abettors who are busy turning our country into a kleptocratic kakistocracy. 

Sudbury, Mass.