August 31, 2018

Ph.D. program students from Ukraine take up residence at Sheptytsky Institute


Anatolii Babinskii and family.

TORONTO – In September, Anatolii Babinskii and Maria Ivaniv will be taking up residence in the Sheptytsky Institute in pursuit of their Ph.D. programs.

Mr. Babinskii of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv has received a generous research grant from the Catholic Near East Welfare Association. He is the former editor of Patriarkhat magazine, as well as the magazine published by the Religious Information Service of Ukraine. He has served as vice-president at Unum Omnes, an international Catholic lay organization. He will be joined by his wife, Svitlana, and children Luka and Yustyna, who will be residing with him in Windle House, the new home of the Sheptytsky Institute. 

Mr. Babinskii, whose dissertation on the Ukrainian Patriarchal Movement will be defended at the Ukrainian Catholic University, will be a research fellow at the institute as he works in several North American archives.

Ms. Ivaniv is a graduate of the University of Leuven in Belgium and a lecturer at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. She has been granted a full tuition scholarship for the Ph.D. program by the Faculty of Theology of the University of St. Michael’s College, and will take up residence at the Sheptytsky Institute. The Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League will also contribute to this cause.

Maria Ivaniv

Ms. Ivaniv’s research will focus on the participation of the Ukrainian Church at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).

Established in 1986, the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies (MASI) is an institution of higher learning. Last year it became an academic unit of the Faculty of Theology of the University of St. Michael’s College. The faculty is a member of the Toronto School of Theology, the world’s ninth-ranked theological institution. 

The institute is a center of higher learning, research, ecumenical understanding and prayer, offering accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Eastern Christian Studies to men and women, laity, religious and clergy. For more information, readers may visit