September 7, 2018

UWC launches international action
 on 85th anniversary of Holodomor


Over 85 days until International Holodomor Memorial Day on November 24, a candle will be lit daily in a different part of the world, uniting Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine in remembrance of the innocent victims of the genocidal policy of the Stalin regime, while raising awareness of the issues of human rights, respect and tolerance. 

The first day of September is traditionally the start of the school year in Ukraine. Since a significant number of children were among the millions of victims of the Holodomor, this year’s commemorative action is dedicated to the children who did not return to their school desks on September 1, 1933.

The remembrance flame will begin its 85-day journey across five continents in Kyiv, at the Holodomor Victims Memorial National Museum, and conclude on November 24 in conjunction with the Ukrainian national commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor in the Ukrainian capital.

“The Ukrainian World Congress invites the international community to join in this action by organizing an event or simply sharing information about the Holodomor as widely as possible to deliver the message that the Holodomor, a tragic page in the nation’s history, remains testimony to the consequences of imperialist ambitions and a complacent world,” stated UWC Secretary General Stefan Romaniw, who chairs the UWC International Holodomor Coordinating Committee.

The UWC encouraged all to follow the global journey of the remembrance flame by visiting the sites listed below and to share it with family, friends, co-workers, government officials and media representatives. 

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