August 21, 2015

UMANA holds biennial convention in Quebec


Maria Hrycelak

Speakers of the Friday program (from left): Dr. Nadia Ciuha, Dr. Christina Duzyj-Buniak, Khrystyna Herasym, Dr. Andrew Dzul and Dr. Markian Kovaluk.

CHICAGO – The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) held its 43rd Scientific Conference and 36th Assembly of Delegates on June 18-21, in Mont Tremblant, Quebec.  Fifty-one attendees, representing eight chapters of UMANA throughout the United States and Canada, gathered to hear presentations on “Wellness Medicine” and conduct the regular corporate biennial business meeting.

The Scientific Conference was jointly sponsored with the Chicago Medical Society, and made available up to 10 hours of continuing medical education (CME) credits to the participants.

The conference commenced on Thursday at the Fairmont Mont Tremblant with a welcoming reception for arriving members and guests and registration of attendees for the educational portion of the meeting.

Speakers of the Friday program (from left): Dr. Nadia Ciuha, Dr. Christina Duzyj-Buniak, Khrystyna Herasym, Dr. Andrew Dzul and Dr. Markian Kovaluk.

Maria Hrycelak

Speakers of the Friday program (from left): Dr. Nadia Ciuha, Dr. Christina Duzyj-Buniak, Khrystyna Herasym, Dr. Andrew Dzul and Dr. Markian Kovaluk.

Scientific sessions began early Friday morning under the watchful direction of UMANA Scientific Director Dr. Liza Pilch. Speakers included a wide variety of professionals in their areas of expertise: Dr. Christina Duzyj-Buniak, “Women’s Wellness in Reproductive Years to Optimize Pregnancy Health”; Dr. Markian Kovaluk, “Wellness to Prevent Degenerative Joint Disease”; Dr. Andrew Dzul, “Saline Nasal Irrigations as Treatment for Chronic Rhinosinusitis”; and Dr. Nadia Ciuha, “Vis Medicatrix Naturae – Naturopathic Approach to Health and Wellness.” During the lunch presentation, Khrystyna Herasym spoke on art therapy.

Friday afternoon concluded with a guided tour of the historic village of Mont Tremblant, nestled in the verdant slopes of Canada’s Laurentian Mountains. The village was bustling with activity, filled with thousands of participants for Sunday’s IronMan 70.3 race at Mont Tremblant. The throng of physically fit and exuberant contestants added a special resonance to the conference topic of how to maintain wellness. UMANA even had its own competitor – UMANA medical student and presenter William Buniak finished the entire IronMan 70.3 race, with energy to spare, on behalf of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America.

On Friday evening, conference participants gathered for a group barbecue buffet, during which six new members attending the meeting received new member certificates. The evening concluded under the musical direction of Dr. Ronald Liteplo, who supplied the group with Ukrainian lyrics for a spirited sing-along.

Saturday morning saw the resumption of lectures: Liana Buniak, “The Brain Diet – Understanding the Science Behind the Food, Facts and Fads”; Dr. Daria Trojan, “Exercise for Health”; Mr. Buniak, “Building Blocks of an Endurance Athlete: Training and Race Day Nutrition”; Dr. Borys Buniak, “Probiotics”; Dr. Peter Kujtan, sharing “Nutritional Pearls that Baba Tried to Teach Me.”

Colleagues enjoy the group reunion.

Borys Buniak

Colleagues enjoy the group reunion.

Saturday afternoon consisted of the regular biennial corporate business meeting, which included reports by the officers and committees of UMANA. Of particular note was the induction into the association of 63 new members in 24 months. These young inductees add vigor and vitality, bolstering the long-term growth and relevance of UMANA.

The following were elected for the 2015-2017 term of office: President Borys Buniak, M.D. (Syracuse, N.Y.), President-Elect Andrew Ripeckyj, M.D. (Illinois), Vice President: Leo Murskyj, M.D. (Michigan) and Secretary/Treasurer Lida Wozny, R.Ph. (Illinois).

The newly elected board will be busy appointing appropriate committee members to assist in the upcoming two years.

The conference concluded on Saturday evening with the traditional “roast” of the outgoing president, Dr. Andrew Dzul, and the welcoming of the new president, Dr. Buniak. Dr. Dzul received an award for services rendered to the association.

Dr. Ihor Fedoriw, past president of UMANA’s Pennsylvania Chapter, organizer of the successful biennial conference in Philadelphia in 2011 and all-round UMANA “godfather,” was recognized with a plaque awarded for his tireless work on behalf of his association. Finally, all fathers present were acknowledged with a small gift and a “Mnohaya Lita.”

The confreres chatted late into the evening prior to departure the next day, reviewing the events of the weekend, including hiking, ziplining and gondola rides over the green mountainsides. They renewed old friendships, made new ones, and began tentative plans to meet in two years.

For further information, visit UMANA’s web site  or call (773) 278-6262.