October 12, 2018

Q&A with Poroshenko


“Russia is advancing on Ukraine again — and Ukraine isn’t going quietly,” interview with President Petro Poroshenko by Lally Weymouth, The Washington Post, September 13 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/russia-is-advancing-on-ukraine-again–and-ukraine-isnt-going-quietly/2018/09/13/90162764-b6cd-11e8-a2c5-3187f427e253_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8e59aa372774):

Q: The latest Russian aggression appears to be in the Sea of Azov near Crimea. Are the Russians trying to slice off another part of Ukraine?

A: Russia’s purpose is to occupy the Azov Sea, the same way it did Crimea. This is a brutal violation of international law, and we cannot accept it. We are strengthening our military there and launching a case against Russia in the international Permanent Court of Arbitration. We have absolutely clear legal status in the Azov Sea. Russia has no right to attack or stop our vessels, which carry goods and passengers from two important Ukrainian ports, Mariupol and Berdiansk. If Russia does not stop, we have only one instrument, which is sanctions.

…Q: You think Vladimir Putin wants to return Ukraine to a Russian colony?

A: Definitely. Because the Russian empire is impossible without Ukraine. This is the key element of the legend Russia created: A thousand years ago, Kyiv was the center of the Slavic culture. But now, can you imagine that [the overwhelming majority] of Ukrainians support European integration and 54 percent of Ukrainians now support NATO integration? Why? Because NATO has demonstrated it is the only instrument of security which is efficient in the world. The U.N. Security Council does not work when one nation abuses its veto right, whether it is regarding Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 or the illegal annexation of Crimea. This leaves Ukraine face to face with the second-biggest military machine in the world. Russia has no red lines in Ukraine, in Syria or in Libya. Who knows where they will appear next? …