October 12, 2018

October 14, 2015


Three years ago, on October 14, 2015, Ukraine marked for the first time the Day of the Defender of Ukraine, a day set aside to honor the courage and heroism of the defenders of Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The date coincides with the religious feast day of St. Mary the Protectress (Pokrova).

The holiday was designated in 2014, and in 2015 President Petro Poroshenko participated in a prayer service at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. The service attracted leaders of various religious denominations, including Metropolitan Onufriy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate, who usually sends representatives for ecumenical services. 

A display of military hardware, “Power of the Unbroken,” was on exhibit at St. Michael’s Square, showcasing the latest developments in Ukraine’s military arsenal. The exhibit also included military hardware provided to Ukraine by its partners and allies from abroad.

Also on display was the main battle flag from Ilovaisk that was unfolded by Ukrainian activists at the United Nations during the speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the 70th session of the U.N General Assembly. The flag came to symbolize the unbroken spirit of Ukraine, “which not only withstood, but also hardened in this dreadful war,” President Poroshenko said at the opening of the exhibit.

Later that day, Mr. Poroshenko presented 142 state awards to the military for their personal courage, professionalism and loyalty to the military oath demonstrated in the defense of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Eleven of the soldiers were honored posthumously. 

On the legendary Khortytsia Island in Zaporizhia, Mr. Poroshenko administered the oath of cadets of the Ivan Bohun Kyiv Lyceum and the Zaporizhia Regional Lyceum. Mr. Poroshenko noted that over 93,000 Ukrainian soldiers were direct participants in the war against Russia-led militants, with 108,000 in the ATO and 210,000 from six waves of mobilization – one-sixth of them volunteers.

Mr. Poroshenko stated: “You’ve just taken a solemn oath of allegiance to the homeland. I believe that you will become courageous officers and will honorably replace the present defenders of Ukraine. You will become an object of pride for your parents, relatives and every Ukrainian citizen. Be worthy of the military valor of our ancestors who sacrificed their lived for our Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine!”

First Lady Maryna Poroshenko participated in a working visit to Mariupol, where she took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument of the Warrior-Liberator, visited the military hospital in the area and the Donetsk border detachment of the Eastern Regional Department of the State Border Service of Ukraine. 

Mrs. Poroshenko said: “Our country is going through a time of difficulties: every day we decide who is a friend and who is a foe, what is truth and what is a lie. By force of circumstances, you found yourselves on the frontline of this struggle, and Mariupol proved that each of you is ready to defend your home, family and children. You are not alone in this struggle. There are 47 million of us. We are a united country and we have a lot to be proud of and to protect.”

Source: “Ukraine marks first Day of the Defender of Ukraine,” The Ukrainian Weekly, October 24, 2015.