November 1, 2018

Philadelphia in a flurry of pre-election fund-raisers


At the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center with Congressman Brendan Boyle (right) are the co-chairs of the fund-raiser Ulana Mazurkevich and Roman Petyk, and Pennsylvania State Rep. Kevin Boyle.

PHILADELPHIA – Philadelphia-area Ukrainians are quite aware of the necessity of supporting political candidates – not only in terms of volunteering in their campaigns but also in organizing fund-raisers to benefit those campaigns. 

The mid-term elections for the U.S. Congress have sparked an increased flurry of fund-raisers in the Ukrainian community, where the supporters of both the Democratic and the Republican parties can cross the aisle to support a candidate who they feel best deserves their financial support mainly because of their actions on behalf of Ukraine. 

Running for Congress in these mid-term elections are Congressman Brendan Boyle, a Democrat, and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, a Republican. Due to gerrymandering and the actions of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, new districts have been created. Rep. Boyle is running in a new district that is in the city of Philadelphia, and Rep. Fitzpatrick is running in a new district that encompasses the Philadelphia suburbs. 

State legislator Madeleine Dean, a Democrat, is running for Congress in a new district that encompasses part of Montgomery and Berks counties. Businessman Dan David, a Republican, is running in the same district as Ms. Dean. Ukrainian Americans have come out in support of both candidates.

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (center) with (from left) Oxana Holubowsky, Nila Pawliuk, Mary Tatunchak and Chrystia Senyk.