November 9, 2018

Director of UWC Mission in Ukraine participates in second Forum of Migrants


TORONTO – On October 5-7, the director of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) Mission in Ukraine, Serhiy Kasyanchuk, participated in and addressed the second Forum of Migrants of Central and Western Europe organized by the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) on the theme “Children and youth in the establishment of a new Ukrainian diaspora in Europe. Challenges and opportunities for the Church.” 

The forum, which was held in Rome, examined in depth the roles of the school and church, spiritual guidance for youth and children, and the development of a youth movement in the diaspora.

Participating in the event were representatives of the UGCC clergy, the governing authorities of Ukraine, and community organizations from Europe, including Patriarch Sviatoslav, primate of the UGCC; Bishop Yosyf Milan, head of Pastoral Care for Migrants in the UGCC; and Bishop Borys Gudziak of the Eparchy of St. Volodymyr the Great in Paris. Also attending were representatives of the Vatican, the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic International Institute for Education, Cultural and Diaspora Relations, as well as youth organizations such as the Ukrainian Youth Association and Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization.

Individual participants included Ukrainians residing in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Estonia, Latvia and Moldova.

“Today’s children and youth will eventually become the foundation of the Ukrainian community in Europe and, as such, it is critical to nurture in their consciousness and soul the Ukrainian language along with spiritual and Christian values, and provide the proper orientation, instill a dedication to their homeland, and expand their knowledge of its history, traditions and culture,” stated the director of the UWC Mission in Ukraine, Mr. Kasyanchuk.