November 30, 2018

Volodymyr Serhiychuk speaks in Montreal about Holodomor


Yurij Luhovy

Prof. Volodymyr Serhiychuk (second row, center) with the Rt. Rev. Dr. Ihor Kutash (back row, center), Prof. Luba Zuk (front, fourth from right), Prof. Roman Serbyn (front, third from right) and members of the Montreal branches of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and the Shevchenko Scientific Society.

MONTREAL – To commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), Montreal Branch, hosted a talk, in Ukrainian, by Dr. Volodymyr Serhiychuk titled “Number of Victims in the Holodomor-Genocide 1932-1933: Archival Documents and Political Versions.” His presentation was held in co-operation with the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) of Montreal.

 UCC Montreal’s president, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Ihor Kutash, welcomed the guests and introduced Dr. Serhiychuk, professor of history at the Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko, a prominent researcher and author of numerous books on different aspects of Ukraine’s history. He was born in the village of Pryberezhnyi in the Zhytomyr region, which suffered in the Famine-Genocide.

 In his presentation, Prof. Serhiychuk discussed his continuous efforts to study newly located, previously unknown Soviet archival documents regarding the Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 and demographic losses. Based on his current research in Ukraine, he raised concerns about the need to properly assess the total demographic losses resulting from the Famine. Referring to new documents and providing numerous examples of victims unaccounted for, he said final statistics must incorporate current research. He discards the low estimate cited by some. 

He also pointed out that Russia’s policy of destruction of the Ukrainian nation dates back centuries with Moscow’s perpetual policies aimed at Russifying all aspects of Ukrainian society. 

Following a question and answer period and remarks by Prof. Roman Serbyn, a thank you was given by Prof. Luba Zuk, president of NTSh Montreal, who commended Prof. Serhiychuk for his ongoing research that sheds more light on one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century. 

 Prof. Serhiychuk ’s presentation, held October 18 at the Ukrainian Youth Center, included the launch of his recent book, available in both English and Ukrainian, titled “Genocide-Holodomor 1932-1933 of Ukrainians.” A wine and cheese reception, sponsored by the Ukrainian National Federation, Montreal branch, followed. 

 The following day, the scholar flew to Washington, concluding his North American speaking tour which began with his participation in the Holodomor symposium at California State University, Fresno, on October 5. He then headed back to Kyiv, where he will be taking part in the Holodomor International Forum on November 22-24. 

 Prof. Serhiychuk ’s Montreal presentation, which will be put online, was filmed by Yurij Luhovy, assisted by Andrij Kostiv. An interview for the Montreal Saturday radio program “Ukrainian Time” was conducted by UCC Montreal’s president, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Kutash.

 UCC Montreal will be hosting an upcoming talk on the Holodomor by historian Dr. Stanislav Kulchytsky of Kyiv, and on Saturday, November 24, the Montreal community will hold a panakhyda (memorial service) at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, coordinated by Bohdanna Hawryluk, chair of the UCC Cultural-Educational Committee, and her team.