January 5, 2019

UCC holds annual general meeting in Montreal



Canada’s Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau (from row, second from left) with Ukrainian Canadian Congress President Alexandra Chyczij (third from left), former Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij (fourth from left) and members of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Executive Committee and UCC Quebec Provincial Council.


Minister Bibeau addresses Leadership Awards Dinner

MONTREAL – The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) held its annual general meeting and a meeting of the Board of Directors in Montreal on December 7-9, 2018.

On December 8, Paul Grod, recently elected president of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), announced his resignation as president of the UCC. Alexandra Chyczij was elected and sworn in as UCC president. Andrea Kopylech was elected first vice-president and Alex Ilchenko was elected second vice-president.

The Board of Directors heard reports from UCC Provincial Council presidents from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, and several UCC branch presidents, who discussed their activities and successes and challenges in engaging the community.

Participants also heard reports from former UWC President Eugene Czolij; outgoing UCC President Grod; UCC First Vice-President Kopylech; UCC CEO Ihor Michalchyshyn; UCC Treasurer Romana Latenko; Alanna Mysak, chair of the UCC Audit Committee; and Demyan Hyworon, chair of the UCC Charitable and Educational Trust.

Over 50 delegates and guests from member organizations, provincial councils and local branches participated in the annual general meeting. Dialogue, debate and planning sessions were focused on the three broad pillars that guide the work of the UCC: developing the Ukrainian Canadian community; celebrating and advancing the Ukrainian Canadian identity; and supporting Ukraine.

“Our community in Montreal was very glad to host this year’s AGM,” stated the Rev. Father Ihor Kutash, president of the UCC’s Quebec Provincial Council. “Thank you to everyone who participated in the lively, vibrant and substantive discussions and debates.”

Leadership Awards Dinner

On December 8, the UCC Quebec Provincial Council and Montreal branch hosted the UCC Leadership Awards Dinner, which was emceed by Orest Humenny. 

The keynote address was delivered by Canada’s Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau, who spoke passionately about her five-day visit to Ukraine during the summer of 2018, about the support the government of Canada is providing to Ukraine and Canada’s $50 million annual commitment to international development assistance to Ukraine.

“Canada stands with Ukraine on its journey to implement reforms. That includes strengthening democratic institutions, promoting women’s participation in politics, building public confidence in elections, and deterring fraud and intimidation,” Minister Bibeau stated. “Canada is a strong supporter of Ukraine’s current democratic reform. Through this support, we are reinforcing the voices of women and youth, so they can help build a better Ukraine for everyone.”

Minister Bibeau announced that Canada will be providing $5 million over five years to the Women of Ukraine: Heard, Capable, Resilient initiative. This initiative aims to strengthen and build the capacity of women’s rights organizations in Ukraine to meaningfully contribute to the reform process and advance gender equality at all levels, increasing women’s and girls’ enjoyment of their human rights. The Pact Institute will help empower five selected women’s rights organizations to become regional hubs and to effectively cascade knowledge and skills down to the local level, based on individual organizations’ needs.

“The UCC was honored to welcome Minister Bibeau to the Leadership Awards dinner. Having travelled to Ukraine last summer as part of Minister Bibeau’s delegation, I was impressed by her commitment and dedication to the principles of democracy, equality and diversity that we as Canadians hold dear,” stated UCC President Chyczij. “Minister Bibeau is a true champion of these principles, and the UCC looks forward to continuing our close cooperation with her department and the government of Canada.”

National Leadership Awards were presented during the banquet to: Bohdanna Klecor-Hawryluk, James Slobodian, Gregory Bedik, Adrianna Luhovy and Volodymyr Hayduk.

Over 200 guests at the dinner were treated to superb musical performances by master bandurist Wolodymyr Mota and vocalists Yuri Konevych and Anna Babka.

On Sunday morning following a Moleben service by the Rev. Kutash, UCC directors and guests convened for a series of discussions, facilitated by Director Ann Szyptur and UCC Saskatchewan Provincial Council Vice-President John Denysek, which focused on community development and increasing engagement in Ukrainian Canadian organizations. Participants also heard a report on governance best-practices by UCC Second Vice-President Ilchenko and a presentation on the activities of the Shevchenko Foundation by its president, Andrew Hladyshevsky.

“On behalf of UCC National, thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s AGM. Thank you especially to our gracious hosts in Montreal, particularly the Rev. Kutash, Halyna Holowka and the UCC Montreal team, whose hospitality and hard work made this year’s AGM a success,” stated UCC President Chyczij. 

She added, “I am humbled by the confidence expressed by the Board of Directors in electing me president, and look forward to carrying on the important mission and vision of the UCC. The lively discussions at this year’s AGM will guide the work of the UCC leading into the XXVI Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians in Ottawa next year.”